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Silverpaws Cattery, Inc
"Home of the Little White Dogs"
Name: American Icon ♂
Coat: Brown Tabby
Affectionately known as "Big Mac"

Name: Sonny ♂
Coat: Silver Tabby

Name: ChaCha - ♀
Coat: Shaded Silver
A rare color. The undercoat is white, with a mantle of black tipping shading down from the sides, face and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail.

Name: Spotlight - ♀
Coat: Silver Tabby
Another tabby pattern is the blotched or marbled tabby, also called the "classic tabby." This is characterized by swirls, and the rings around the legs and tail are often much wider than the rings of the mackerel tabby. Classic tabby patterns are often compared to a bullseye on target.

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